Thursday, May 26, 2011

Post #8- Films for Film Class

The three movies I found the most compelling over this semester were "One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest", "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" and "Pan's Labyrinth". Three additional movies I think every one should see, film student or not, are "The Princess Bride", "The Fire Within", and "The Big Lebowski".

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is so compelling and a brilliently written character driven piece. It is an exploration of the human condition and asks difficult questions about why we do what we do and why we are here. How do we want to spend our time living? It is brilliently acted and filmed with some beautiful shot work. I am glad I was able to revisit it this semester.

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is such a unique artistic film. It focuses on our internal struggle of being and teaches us not to take our bodies and our lives for granted. The phsycial camera work and unique shots are just as groundbreaking as the subject matter. The camera had never been used in quite that way before and it stands to teach all movie enthusiasts about the heights that are possible in film.

Pan's Laybryinth is perhaps a guilty favorite of mine. I enjoy this movie so much and revel in its visual splendor every time I see it. I personally indentify with the childhood themes and fantasy but this film also reaches new levels in the use of makeup, set design, and computer generated methods used in film.

The Princess Bride is one of my most favorite films. The writing is what sets this film apart from all others. The incredibly rythmic and hilariously complex voice of each of the characters is amazing. I can hardly ever get tired of watching this film and listening to its amazing dialogue.

The Fire Within is a lesser known film directed by French director Louis Malle. A beautiful exploration of a suicidal individual filmed in 1963 Paris. This is a beautiful example of French new wave and has an almost flm noire quality. It evokes beautiful if depressing French style.

The Big Lebowsky is, if asked, my favorite film, a very tough designation for me. Amazing writing, amazing characters, amazing shots, amazing music. Perhaps I'm biased due to my Los Angeles lifestyle and familiarity with the location of the film but every one should see this film.

Thanks so much for a great semester.

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